Tuesday 16 September 2014

North West day 2 - Achilitibuie

After breakfast we intended to go on a boat trip to the Summer Isles, but unfortunately they weren't running that day. Instead we drove to the pier at Altandhu and went for a walk. They weather was beautiful and sunny.

As we walked round the deserted coves we found an interesting wooden shack. Don't know its history.

A constant feature throughout the walk was the great view of the Summer Isles out in the bay.

We then drove along the road as far as we could go along the peninsula, to the village of Reith. We walked round the loch, seeing some rock climbers on the cliffs on the way.

We had our lunch there, then drove back to the spectacular Achachaird beach, where we went for a walk then sat reading for a while.

Later we went for a pint at the Summer Isles Hotel, before leaving Achiltibuie and heading out towards our wild-camping spot for the night. We intended to climb the hill Stac Pollaidh the next morning, so parked in its car park. It was next to a loch so was in a very nice setting, but unfortunately there were a lot of midges around so we had to sit in with the doors closed in the evening.

Dinner was some ham hock in tomato sauce that we'd brought from home, with sauteed potatoes.

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