Wednesday 22 May 2013

Walk to Niato Plateau

We had a buffet breakfast at the hotel, then drove into the White Mountains to the Askifou Plateau and stopped at the village of Ammoudari. We parked the car in the main square of the village.

Today's walk is up to Niato Plateau. It's very hot and sunny today. The first part of the walk is up a path with a good amount of shade from trees.

We reach the plateau which is flat scrubland with lots of sheep and goats.

We carry on walking past the plateau, the path we're on is part of the E4 long distance route. We reach an area with interesting rock formations.

Then back down to the village square for a welcome pint. We did about 10 miles in all.

We then drove to the village of Gavalochori to see the folk museum and ancient olive press there.

Then we returned to the hotel and got ready to go out for dinner. We planned to go to a Turkish restaurant called the Well of the Turk which took a while as Tripadvisor didn't have the address. I think we walked about 5 miles before we found it, after asking for directions at least twice. We had lamb with preserved lemons, and flatbread with spinach, almonds and raisins.

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