Sunday 8 July 2012

Pike of Blisco

After more rain overnight it was cloudy in the morning and spitting with rain, but not bad at all given the amount of rain elsewhere in the country. Today the plan is to pack up the tent and leave the car in the campsite, and do Pike of Blisco (705m).

The path up the hill leaves straight from the campsite.

In the woods we see a fallen tree with amazingly shallow roots, showing how little topsoil there is on the rocks.

We pass Blea Tarn on the way and Amber has a swim.

After walking a bit on the road at Wrynose Pass, we head straight uphill. This bit was pretty steep! By now it's raining lightly, and pretty much stayed like this the rest of the day.

The top of Pike of Blisco.

The route back down was via Red Tarn.

Then down  through Brown Howe and back in to Langdale. By this time Amber had just about reached the limit of what she could walk over the weekend, and her paws were obviously giving her some discomfort. So we took the last couple of miles very slow and let her walk on grass as much as possible.

We stopped in Keswick for a wander and a pint, and got pizza and chips in Edinburgh to take home.

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