Saturday 7 July 2012

Bowfell and Esk Pike

Up and off walking by 9am.

The plan was to basically do this walk up Bowfell (902m) and Esk Pike (885m). Weather is fine and clear, with good views of the Langdales and Crinkle Crags.

The walk was flat through Great Langdale at first, then fairly steep uphill. Great views all around, the tops stayed clear all day.

Amber decided to become a 2-tone doggie...

We finally reached the top of Bowfell, it was a bit too rocky near the top to take Amber.

We then carried on north to Esk Pike, from where we had good views of the crowded summit of Scafell Pike.

Then back down via Angle Tarn and Rossett Pike.

Finally a walk along the valley of Mickelden to the Old Dungeon Ghyll for a welcome pint in the sunshine.

In the evening we went to the Sticklebarn for dinner, followed by a drink in the New Dungeon Ghyll.

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