Thursday 6 August 2020

France - Day 12

This was our last full day here. We drove down through Isola village again, and down the Tinée valley to where the Mollières valley meets it. We parked at the roadside and started walking up the Mollières valley.

The first couple of miles were on a track, as far as some hydroelectric equipment.

From there it was on a riverside path, long but not too steep. It was in trees quite a lot, which was welcome as this was the lowest level walk we'd done all week.

Eventually after about three and a half hours we arrived at the hamlet of Mollières. It was busier than we expected, there was a proper road going to it from the other side.

We had our lunch there, then a wander round the houses and the main square with its water supply.

We then walked back to the car by the same route as our outward journey. In some parts the path had been moved by a landslide.

Later in the evening a Civil Security helicopter landed just outside the hotel and dropped someone off, later picking them up. We don't really know what the story was there.

For dinner we had cheese and ham crêpes, fried potatoes and peas.

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