Thursday 30 July 2020

France - Day 5

We drove north out of Isola 2000 and over the Lombardy Pass into Italy. About 10 miles further we parked the car at the Santuario di Sant'Anna di Vinadio.

From there we did a circular walk called the Sant'Anna Lake circuit. This went up past the lakes and over a couple of passes, going over the border into France and back out again.

We came upon a herd of sheep being herded down to some water, where there were also some cows drinking.

We had our lunch by some more spectacular lakes, including Lac Lausfer SupĂ©rieur.

On the way down we saw some chamois, a type of mountain goat, at the Col du Lausfer.

When we got back to the sanctuary we had a wander round, there was a mountain refuge and a bar there too. We had a drink in the bar after making sure there was a table in the shade.

We then drove home. We stopped at the Lombardy Pass for a look. While we were there a walker/hitchhiker asked us for a lift into town so we obliged.

Later we had pasta bolognese for dinner.

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