Monday 27 July 2020

France - Day 2

This is the hotel from the outside in daylight.

We walked down to the port area, and had a breakfast of pastries, coffee and orange juice at Le Café du Port.

After breakfast we walked round to the castle hill which is at the east end of the promenade, and has good views of the city.

There's a waterfall near the top.

The castle itself is merely an archaeological ruin.

On the way down from castle hill we looked round the cemetery.

We then just wandered round the streets a bit, going through the narrow streets of the old town, to Massena Square, the Albert Gardens, and an antique market.

We bought a sandwich for lunch and sat on the Promenade des Anglais to eat it. We then walked some way along the promenade.

In the heat of the afternoon we bought a couple of beers and sat in the shade in a children's playground to drink them. After a while we caught a tram back to the hotel.

Later we went out for dinner, going to Wayne's Bar in the old town where we had nachos and burgers for dinner

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