Thursday 27 February 2020

Spain - Day 4

There was a street market a couple of blocks away so we went for a look this morning. It was quite small, a few fruit and veg stalls and some other stuff like clothing etc. We bought some vegetables.

We then drove to the city of Cartagena at the coast, parking near the port. We visited the Roman Theatre, which is reached by going through a tunnel under the streets.

We then walked round a bit, and went up to a hill with a ruined monastery and windmill on it.

Then we visited the castle at the highest point in the city, with good views. There is an old bullring that we could see.

In total we walked around 6km in the city.

We then left the city and drove up the coast to a car park at Calblanque, where we went for a walk. Along the beach for a bit, then round some salt flats which had some flamingos in the distance.

This was a 4km walk.

On returning to the car we drove to the very strange holiday resort of La Manga, which is a 20km long narrow strip of land between an inland sea and the Mediterranean. We stopped for a drink at one of the few places we could see open.

We went home via a stop at the supermarket. For dinner we had vegetables and pasta.

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