Wednesday 17 April 2019

Easter Trip - Day 2

We climbed The Cheviot hill today. First we drove along a single track road as far as we could to Langleeford and parked. The route went along a track then followed the Harthope Burn up the valley.

Towards the end it crossed and re-crossed the burn many times.

Eventually at the end of the valley the path started climbing steeply upwards to the plateau. At the top it met up with the Pennine Way.

There were flagstone paths at the boggiest bits towards the summit.

At the summit we stopped for lunch.

On the way back down we crossed a few snow patches.

After descending back to the car we drove to the coast to Seahouses and had an ice cream and a walk round the harbour.

Later we made sweet potato curry at the you hostel, then went back to the Black Bull for a pint.

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