Thursday 7 March 2019

Algarve - Day 24

We packed up and left the apartment in Lagos today. On the way out of town we stopped at a field that had loads of stork nests around it.

Since our flight wasn't until later, we went to visit the town of Silves. We had a walk around, then went to visit the cathedral.

After the cathedral we went to the castle, which is at the highest point of the town and has great views.

There are underground cisterns there, although they are now used for exhibitions.

We'd bought a combined ticket which also gave us admission to the museum, so we went there next. It's build round a Moorish well which was only discovered in the 1990s.

We walked down to the river, with its Roman bridge.

We had lunch at a busy restaurant outside Silves market. There was no choice, it was piri piri chicken! But very delicious.

We made our way slowly cross-country to the the airport, and handed the hire car back.

Our flight was at 7pm, and took off a little early. However there was a headwind so we landed at our scheduled time, about 10.30.

We got the shuttle bus to the car park and collected our car. We drove home, getting in about 12.30.

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