Friday 1 March 2019

Algarve - Day 18

We drove to the village of Carrapeteira on the west coast and parked near the lagoon behind the beach. We walked up to a viewpoint over the beach.

We then walked south along the clifftop, with lots of other viewpoints on the way.

There were some archaeological remains on a clifftop.

Eventually we arrived at Praia do Amado. The walk then went inland through scrubland, grassy meadows and forests until we arrived back at the lagoon, 20km in total.

On the way back in the car we stopped at a standing stone the Menir de Padrao near the road at Hortas do Tabual.

We then drove home along the south coast via Luz, where we stopped for a drink.

Later for dinner we had pizza. We had a scare where the electricity went off, but it turned out just to be because we had too many appliances on at once.

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