Tuesday 11 September 2018

Angus - Day 2

In the morning we went for a stroll down to the river near the car park.

After this we drove all the way up Glen Esk to the car park at the end and parked there. We were planning to do a walk round the waterfalls past Loch Lee.

We first walked up to the loch, past a water gauging station, Invermark Castle and a ruined church.

It was a nice sunny day though a little windy. We walked all the way up the right side of the loch. At the end we could see what will be our path down later, the Shank of Inchgrundle.

About a mile beyond the end of the loch we arrive at the Falls of Unich. The first one is very impressive.

We carry on climbing up the side of the waterfalls, stopping for our lunch by the water.

We then crossed a bridge and left the stream behind, climbing to the summit of Cairn Lick. As we looked back to the gorge we saw a golden eagle! Didn't manage to photograph it though.

The views back down to Loch Lee were great.

We discovered that there was a very picturesque lochan in the corrie we'd walked round, it's called Carlochy.

We got back to the campervan and decided to stay in this car park for the night.

We had vegetable Chilli for dinner.

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