Tuesday 14 November 2017

Berlin - Day 4

We left the apartment not long after 9 and caught the U-bahn to Bernauer Strasse. Once there we went into a cafe and had Berliner donuts and coffee.

Then we walked along the Berlin wall memorial, which was extremely interesting. Some of the original wall is still there, with lots of murals and plaques with historical information.

In many places are marked the outlines of tunnels where escape attempts were made.

There is a chapel which is constructed from the rubble of an original church which was in the inner wall zone until the East Germans eventually demolished it.

We went into the exhibition which has many pictures and stories of the history, including relics of the various traps that were put there to prevent escapes.

We went up a five storey tower to view the reconstructed bit of the wall incorporating the "death zone".

From there we walked to Alexanderplatz where we had doner kebabs in the underground station as recommended by Natalie. They were delicious.

We caught the train to Potsdamer Platz and had a walk around it. In most of the squares we'd been to, the Christmas markets were still being built but here some of it was already open.

We then went to the Sony Center, a very modern complex.

After this we walked to the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, passing an AmpelMann Smart Car on the way.

The memorial is an array of 2711 concrete pillars of various sizes.

The underground exhibition gave a full story of the persecution of the Jews and was very moving.

We then went to the Hauptbanhoff station where we had spaghetti bolognese ice cream!

Then we caught the train south and went to the Soviet memorial in Treptower Park. It was very big and impressive.

We then walked to the East Side Gallery, a large part of the Berlin wall still standing. We saw some of the famous murals.

We then walked to Simon-Dach Strasse where we had some drinks in the Blechbilderbar. We then went up the road to Hain & Friedrichs and had schnitzel and chips for dinner. We caught the U-bahn train home.

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