Wednesday 24 June 2015

Devon and Cornwall day 4 - Slapton Sands and East Prawle

After showers and breakfast we left in the campervan taking the bikes to Torcross on the coast. After a short walk with Amber we left her in the campervan and cycled along the road over Slapton sands. There was a wartime tank as a memorial to an incident during training which lost many lives.

At the end of the sands we walked round Slapton Ley where we saw some birds, including a Cetti Warbler.

We cycled back to Torcross where we had an ice cream.

We drove on to Start Point, where we walked to the lighthouse.

Then we drove to East Prawle where we had a cream tea in the Piglet cafe. We wanted to go to the Pigs Nose pub which had been recommended to us but we were too early, so we went for a circular walk down to the coast.

We saw a Cirl Bunting.

We then had our pint in the Pigs Nose, a very quirky pub.

Back at site dinner was burgers and sausages, same as yesterday.

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