Tuesday 30 June 2015

Devon and Cornwall day 10 - Looe

Amber was very sick in the night, vomiting etc., starting about 1am.  She was panting heavily and seemed very stressed all night. In the morning she wasn't able to stand, her head was tilted and eyes twitching rapidly.

We were convinced she'd had a stroke. We phoned vet in Looe and made an appointment for 11am. We drove to car park to wait, but there was a mix up over the appointment time and we were eventually seen at 11.45.

The vet's diagnosis wasn't a stroke, but a Vestibular Episode. This affects the inner ear causing severe dizziness and nausea. In Amber's case the vet's opinion was it was likely caused by a middle ear infection. She gave antibiotic and anti-nausea injections, and said we were to see how she got on and phone the next day.

This turned out to be the hottest day, sunny all day. We went back to site and relaxed by the van.

During the commotion overnight Scott's phone had got broken, so he ordered a new one from Amazon for delivery to garage in Looe.

We bought barbecue meat from the local shop, burgers and pork steaks, and stayed at the site and had barbecue.

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