Wednesday 13 June 2012


Today we decided to hire a motor boat for the day. However it was only after handing over the cash they told us that we weren't allowed to land on any of the beaches, but had to anchor at least 50m offshore and swim for it! Quite a challenge for Shirley who hasn't swum since she was about 18...

The boat was fun and reasonably fast - Scott drove and Shirley navigated. We started off by heading for a cave that we could take the boat inside.

Then we anchored the boat off a deserted cove and worked up the courage to swim ashore - we made it!

Taking the towels to the beach was a little tricky...

Went snorkelling as well - saw many fish large and small, lots of bright colours and stripes.

We had the boat for a total of about 7 hours, visited 2 beaches as well as tying up in the port for a while to go for a beer.

Dinner that night was at Spiro's Taverna about a mile from the apartment. This had been recommended on Tripadvisor and was very good. The local cats got another feed of high quality meat.

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