Monday 13 August 2018

England and Wales - Day 2

In the morning we went for a short walk round the car park and looked at the reservoir - it was pretty depleted after the dry summer.

After breakfast we drove to High Force and had a walk down to the waterfall. It was surprisingly powerful given that the water comes out of Cow Green reservoir.

We then drove round to the other side of the Pennines and parked in the centre of Dufton.

Our walk today was up to High Cup Nick, a spectacular U-shaped valley.

When we set off it was quite warm and dry, but soon it started raining and didn't really stop for the rest of the walk.

We still made it to the valley though, and had some good views when the clouds cleared a bit.

After the walk we drove south into the Yorkshire Dales and parked overnight up a quiet road next Sunbiggin Tarn.

We had vegetable chilli for dinner.

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