Wednesday 22 August 2018

England and Wales - Day 11

We'd decided to walk the length of the Malvern Hills today. First we walked to Ledbury station which was about half an hour away.

We caught the train to Malvern Link. From there we walked up to the start of the Malverns, passing the Clock Tower on the way.

We then started walking all the Malverns from north to south.

The highest one is Worcestershire Beacon.

We carried on down the ridge, which is actually quite a lot of up and down.

At the British Camp Cafe we had in ice cream.

British Camp itself is an Iron Age hill fort at the top of Herefordshire Beacon.

Eventually we reached the end and stopped for a rest at a monument, which we'd seen from miles away.

We had quite a long cross country walk back to the site at Ledbury, including crossing a farmyard we weren't supposed to be in.

Back at the campervan we had showers then fish fingers and potatoes for dinner.

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