Tuesday 1 November 2016

Glen Finglas - Day 2

We got up early and were out walking at 8.20am. It was cold but still and clear.

We walked up through trees at first, and as we got higher the colours and views got better. We could see Ben Venue.

Soon the Glen Finglas reservoir came into view.

The walk is called the Mell Circuit, and goes anticlockwise round Meall Cala. We headed east away from the reservoir into Glen Meann.

At the furthest point we climbed up to 600m height.

Then down into Glen Finglas itself.

We saw a flock of geese at the end of the reservoir.

As we headed back down we got views of Loch Venachar.

We hadn't really needed to set off so early, we were back at the campervan by just after 3pm. We headed down the road, stopping for fish and chips in Falkirk on the way.

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