Sunday 6 November 2016

Bristol - Day 4

Still no sign of Sailor the cat this morning.

Today we went with the Shakey Strollers walking group to Cirencester Park. We got a lift in Kate F's car, and we all met up at the Tunnel Inn near Coates.

We set off on our walk on the Macmillan Way. The colours of the trees were lovely. It was sunny but quite cold.

As we walked through the park we saw many of the follies owned by Earl Bathurst.

We had lunch in one of them.

Later it started raining, so we were glad when we got to the pub.

It had a strange upside down table on the ceiling.

That evening most people came round to Pete and Jenny's for a meal.

Surprise surprise, during the evening the missing Sailor turned up. A happy ending!

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