Sunday 2 October 2016

Athens and Peloponnese - Day 9

We were out quite early, to climb up to Palamidi castle which overlooks the town.

It supposedly has 999 steps to the top, which wasn't too bad as it was in the shade.

There were good views down to the old town on the peninsula. A visiting cruise ship was moored in the bay, with passengers being ferried to the port on little tenders.

The castle complex was huge, lots of bastions protecting bastions.

The longer we stayed at the castle more cruise groups arrived in taxis and coaches making it busy. We went back down, and at a baker we bought cheese and spinach pies for dinner later.

We went back to the apartment and made some sandwiches for lunch, then went out for a walk. We went to the end of the peninsula and round the other side. It was a ledge at the bottom of the cliff, and it went as far as the town beach.

We went a further couple of miles along the coast to Karathona beach. There we had a swim, had our lunch and sunbathed for a while.

We walked back into town and had an ice cream, very delicious.

We then went back to the apartment and showered and changed. After chilling for a bit we decided not to go out. We had cheese and spinach and cheese and sausage pies with Greek salad for dinner.

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