Thursday 4 February 2016

Prague Day 3

After another good breakfast we caught the tram up to Prague Castle

Inside we visited the St Vitus Cathedral, a huge building full of loads of "bling".

We then went in to the royal palace and the basilica.

Next was Golden Lane. a quaint street full of shops and trades people which got its name from the gold craftsmen who used to be there.

Upstairs in one of them was a display of torture instruments.

Another was an old tavern.

We then went out the bottom entrance of the castle, and caught the tram back up the to Salm palace, which had a huge display of paintings.

There were other palaces and art galleries we could have visited, but we'd had enough culture for a while. We walked back down into the old town and climbed up the west Charles Bridge tower.

For lunch we went to Tom's Burger, where we had burger and nachos, pretty good. We then caught the Metro to Florenc station and visited the City of Prague museum, where we saw a 3D film and scale model of the city.

We then walked to Republic Square and had a wander round the Palladium shopping centre. After this we were looking for somewhere to have a drink and stumbled across the Beer Museum pub, which had a large selection of Czech beers.

After catching the tram back to the hotel we had a rest and got ready to go out for dinner.

The choice this time was the Ferdinanda which was very near the hotel. Between us we shared sirloin steak and bacon, pork with cheese and mushrooms, and bread with garlic and cheese. It was all very good.

After this we went for a last drink at Bredovský Dvůr.

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