Tuesday 2 February 2016

Prague Day 1

We took a taxi to Edinburgh airport for our flight to Prague at 7.20am. It left in good time and we arrived early just before 11. It was dry and fairly mild but cloudy.

Our airport transfer minibus dropped us off at our hotel, Hotel Yasmin in the New Town. Our room wasn't ready yet so we left our bags and went for a walk.

The hotel was just round the corner from Wenceslas Square, where there are lots of shops and department stores. We walked towards the Old Town Square, and coincidentally arrive just before the famous Astronomical Clock struck 12. There was a large crowd waiting to see it.

The 12 apostles rotate round in the windows when it strikes.

The bottom section is a calendar.

We then walked up to the river, down the river bank a bit, and over the Charles Bridge. It was fairly busy, but probably had only a fraction of the tourists that would be there in the peak season.

On the other side of the bridge we walked up the hill to find a restaurant we'd checked out on TripAdvisor, the Malostranska Beseda. We had Gnocchi with cheese sauce, and roast beef with bread dumplings.

After lunch we walked back towards the Old Town, passing the Lennon Wall, a tribute to pacifism and John Lennon.

We then went to the hotel, checked in and had a snooze before getting ready for dinner.

We walked south from the hotel through Riegrovy Sady Park, which was a hill so it had great views over the city.  At the far side we went to a pub called The Tavern, where we had a beer. We walked back down Vinohradska and passed an interesting-looking bar called Dno Pytle which had a good selection of beers so we went in there for one.

For dinner we went to the bar/restaurant literally across the road from the hotel, Bredovský Dvůr. This was the view from our bedroom window.

By pure coincidence it has one of the best reputations in the city. They specialise in Pilsner Urquell straight from the "tank", so we had a few of those. To eat, between us we had "Czech nosh" (roast pork meat, spicy sausage, roast duck) with three types of dumpling and cabbage, and a plate of grilled sausages.

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