Thursday 3 December 2015

Belgium Day 4 - Brussels

We had toast for breakfast again, then walked to see the European parliament. We visited the Parliamentarium, which has various display describing the history and workings of the EU.

We then walked through Leopold Park to the Natural Sciences Museum and had a look at the displays of dinosaur fossils etc.

It was mostly sunny today, so we did a lot of walking. We walked to Autoworld at Jubelparc, which was also included in our Brussels Card.

We then caught the Metro from Merode station to Clemenceau station. For lunch we went to a snack bar where we had a great value lunch - chicken or beef wraps with frites and a drink for 4.50 euros. Next up was a visit to the Cantillon brewery, the only genuine Lambic brewery in Brussels. They don't add yeast to the brew, they let natural yeast from the air do the work. This results in a fairly sour flavoured beer, but tasty and also sometimes flavoured with fruit to make Kreike.

After this we caught the Metro back to Ambiorix Square to see the Art Nouveau houses there.

We continued our Metro journey back home via a drink at the Pacific Bar. Dinner was roasted vegetables.

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