Wednesday 2 December 2015

Belgium Day 3 - Brussels

We had toast in the apartment for breakfast, then walked to the start of the north bus tour at Central Station. We stayed on the bus to the Atomium sculpture.

Our Brussels Card got us into the Planetarium along the road, but there was nothing on there until the afternoon so we didn't stay long. We got the next tour bus and got off at the stop for the National Basilica of the Sacred Heart. The aquarium was also nearby.

First we went for a coffee in Les Grand Duc, then into the Basilica.

There was a small museum inside, then we paid to go up to the dome for the views.

After this we went to the aquarium. This was quite small but interesting.

Then we walked down through Elisabeth Park to the chocolate factory.

Later we bought some frites and mayonnaise at a snack bar, then got back on the tour bus and stayed on it till the end of the tour. On the way we saw some of the many comic murals in Brussels.

We then walked to the Comic Book Museum and had a look round.

After looking at the 3rd pis statue, the Jeanneke Pis, we went for a drink and a rest at Bar Celtica again. At 17:00 we went to see the spectacular light show at the Grand Place.

We walked to the Central Station and took the Metro home. We made dinner of pasta bolognese and garlic bread.

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