Saturday 17 May 2014

Lanzarote Day 6 - Montaña Blanca

Today we drove to Mancha Blanca to start a walk there. However the Lanazarote Ironman Triathlon was taking place across the island, and various road closures meant we had to park about a mile away from the proper start of the walk. Never mind.

We walked on a marked path across the lava fields towards the three volcanoes we intended to climb up.

The first one was Montaña Calderata where we peered into the crater, then carried on to ascend Montaña Blanca.

This has a perfect circular cater 1200m across and is 461m high.

As we descended we went across to the third volcano of the day, Risco Quegrado.

Later we drove to the capital of Lanzarote, Arrecife. This was nicer than we expected, and we walked through the old town and along the sea front. Being very hot and mid-afternoon it was (sensibly) deserted though.We went for a welcome drink in a local bar.

After going back to the apartment to get ready, we went for a drink to Bodega Marcelo. We weren't tempted to eat there though, so went to the Bejing Chinese again - another excellent meal.

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