Wednesday 14 May 2014

Lanzarote Day 3 - Playa Blanca and Papagayo beach

After breakfast we drove to Playa Blanca at the southernmost tip of the island. We went for a coastal walk to the east, towards Papagayo beach. It was sunny and windy as usual.

At Papagayo we stopped to sunbathe and paddle - we managed to stop for about 1 hour.

Then we walked to the end of the peninsula, before retracing our steps back to the car and driving into the main part of Playa Blanca for a drink and a stroll.

After driving back to the apartment and getting ready, we went out for a drink in Chispas bar in Pueblo Marinero. This actually had Old Speckled Hen on draft - makes a change from Spanish lager. We had intended going to La Bohemia for dinner but it was closed, so went to El Maestro instead, Shirley had steak and Scott had slow roasted pork - both pretty good.

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