Monday 11 November 2013

Tenerife Day 3 - Santiago del Teide

We had cereal and coffee for breakfast at the apartment again. Then we drove north to Santiago del Teide, a fairly traditional village in the north west of Tenerife.

It was much hotter here - we walked up to Cruz de Gala up a very steep path, to the observation tower and aerials that were on the top.

It was very clear that the north side of the slope has lots of trees and other greenery, while the southern slopes are very barren.

We then walked down to the Pools of Erjos, which are old man-made excavations which get flooded by rainwater and are a haven for birdlife, fish and insects. We saw ducks, a heron and lots of brilliantly coloured dragonflies.

It was hot and sunny all day - we walked back down a gorge in the Valle de Arriba and through cultivated vines fields.

After a welcome beer in a village taverna we drove to the town of Los Gigantes on the coast. We took a one-hour boat trip to see the massive basalt cliffs and Masca Bay. We were actually the only two on the trip out, but the boat picked up a load of people from the bay who had walked down Masca Gorge.

We then drove south down the coast to Guia de Isora to see the sunset.

After this we decided to drive up to the caldera of Mount Teide to see the stars. It was a nice experience but none of the photographs came out, mainly because the moon was too bright.

After this we went home to the apartment. Dinner was a Chinese takeaway from the Peninsula restaurant.

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