Tuesday 30 April 2013

Aviemore Day 4

We tidied up the cottage and left about 10. The weather forecast today is quite favourable so we decide to climb a Munro or two.

We parked just off the A9 just south of Dalwhinnie at Drumochter pass, and headed west towards Sgairneach Mhòr.

To start with the going is very easy. We see a lot of grouse, some mountain hares, and some frogspawn in the ponds.

Amber had a look at the frogspawn too!

We came across a baby hare on its own. Not sure if it was ill or abandoned, just left it alone though.

After about 2000ft there is quite a lot of snow on the ground.

We make it to the summit OK (991m 3251ft).

Then we head down off the west side. The next hill along looks like it might be too ambitious (for Amber!) so we start to descend the glen back to the car.

Saw more grouse and some ptarmigans on the way back.

The walk was about 10 miles in all. This was the route:

Got home about 5, fish and chips for tea.

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