Wednesday 15 February 2023

Lake District - Day 2

The forecast was for rain in the morning so we had a lazy late start. We planned to climb Cat Bells, after first getting a boat across Derwent Water.

We walked down to get our ticket for the 12.30 boat at the pier, then went for a coffee. There were lots of geese around near the lake.

Soon the boat arrived and we got it across to Hawes End pier.

From there we walked to the base of Cat Bells and started climbing. There was some scrambling over rocks near the top, making it harder than we remembered from the last time we were here 8 years ago!

For the last picture above we tried to recreate the same pose and position as when we'd taken Amber up in 2015.

We then carried on walking down the slope to the south, then walked anticlockwise round Derwent Water.

We passed some nice tree roots.

Once back at Keswick we went for a couple of pints in the Wainwright pub.

Later back at the cottage we had fresh pasta filled with mozzarella and mushrooms, with a tomato and olive sauce.

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