Wednesday 15 May 2019

Glencoe - Day 3

After using the visitors' centre's facilities again we parked at the bottom of the glen we were going to walk up - Gleann Leac na Muidhe.

First is was on a farm track, then, as it got higher and quieter, on a small path next to the burn.

After stopping for lunch at the top we strolled back down again.

We then tried to book into a camp site for the night. Unfortunately, because of the excellent weather most of the Glencoe sites were full. We eventually booked into the Glen Nevis site, about 20 miles north past Fort William.

We drove there, checked in to the site and set up.

We went for a walk, first steeply up behind the site to the West Highland Way.

Then down to the Glencoe Visitors' Centre then up to the Ben Nevis Inn for a pint. We then went back to the van and made dinner, sweet potato curry.

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