Friday 17 May 2019

Glencoe - Day 5

We decided to walk up Buachaille Etive Beag today. First we drove, via the Glencoe Visitors' Centre, to the car park.

The walk first went up the glen, the Lairig Eilde, then steeply up to the main ridge.

We turned left at this point, to the summit of Stob Coire Raineach (925m)

After this we went along to the far end of the ridge to the highest peak, Stob Dubh (956m).

From there the views down Glen Etive were great.

Also back along the ridge.

We then retraced our steps back down to the car park, then headed for home from a successful first trip in our new campervan.

Thursday 16 May 2019

Glencoe - Day 4

We Left the site after breakfast and parked down at the Glen Nevis Visitors' Centre. We then headed off on our walk up Cow Hill.

We first walked steeply up through the forest, across the West Highland way. We found an intriguing path heading towards "Outlandia".

We didn't know what this was so followed it to the end. We discovered it was a locked wooden building, which Google told us was an artists' studio.

We carried on up, eventually reaching more open ground.

At the top there were great views over Fort William and Loch Linnhe.

We headed back down, stopping for lunch on the banks of Nevis Water.

After this we drove back to Glencoe, stopping at Morrisons on the way for provisions. We went for a walk round the lochan above Glencoe village. It was very picturesque.

We then went to our usual car park at Signal Rock. We decided to do the walk to the rock itself, it was longer and tougher than we expected.

We went for a pint at the Clachaig Inn.

Then back to the campervan for dinner, pizza cooked in our new campervan oven, which worked well.

Wednesday 15 May 2019

Glencoe - Day 3

After using the visitors' centre's facilities again we parked at the bottom of the glen we were going to walk up - Gleann Leac na Muidhe.

First is was on a farm track, then, as it got higher and quieter, on a small path next to the burn.

After stopping for lunch at the top we strolled back down again.

We then tried to book into a camp site for the night. Unfortunately, because of the excellent weather most of the Glencoe sites were full. We eventually booked into the Glen Nevis site, about 20 miles north past Fort William.

We drove there, checked in to the site and set up.

We went for a walk, first steeply up behind the site to the West Highland Way.

Then down to the Glencoe Visitors' Centre then up to the Ben Nevis Inn for a pint. We then went back to the van and made dinner, sweet potato curry.

Tuesday 14 May 2019

Glencoe - Day 2

After breakfast we visited the Glencoe visitors' centre a mile or so away to use its facilities (toilets and wifi!). Then we drove to the other end of Glencoe and parked at the car park for Buachaille Etive Mor.

We walked across the flat ground past the cottage and towards the gully.

The path then went steepy up a dry river bed full of boulders.

Further up it went to the side of the river and near the top there was some mild scrambling to do. Once up at the shoulder we could see all the way down the gully we'd just come up.

We still had to climb to the top of the easternmost peak, which is Stob Dearg at 1022m. From there there are fantastic views across Rannoch Moor, Glencoe and Glen Etive.

We then walked all the way along the ridge to the last peak, Stob na Brioge, 956m. The view back along the ridge shows how far we'd come.

We then had a long steep walk down and back to the van. We went back to Signal Rock again, later having pasta and sauce for dinner.

Monday 13 May 2019

Glencoe - Day 1

We've recently taken delivery of our new (to us) campervan so decided to go on a trip to check it out. We left the house in the morning and drove to Glencoe, parking at the start of the path up the Pap of Glencoe.

It was beautifully sunny and as we walked up there were great views down to the glen and to Loch Leven.

It's quite a short climb but pretty tough. From the top at 742m the views were great again.

We walked down and found our wild-camping spot for the night, the car park at Signal Rock.

It's a short walk from there to the Clachaig Inn, so we went for a pint before dinner. For dinner we had tuna, pesto, new potatoes and green beans.