Sunday 26 October 2014

Turkey day 3 - Turunc walk

Today we had cornflakes for breakfast in the hotel. It was hot and sunny to start with.

We went down to the bay and eventually found a water taxi that would take us to Icmeler, where we could walk to Turunc.

The walk went up into the forested hills round the edge of the bay, the path being quite steep at times. We caught good glimpses of views through the trees at times.

We arrived at Turunc and had a drink in a bar, before finding out the last water taxi back didn't run this late in the season and we had missed the one before. By this time it had clouded over and was about to start raining. Fortunately the locals told us that the Dolmus minibuses still ran every hour, so we found the stop in the middle of town and waited. It was very cheap, only 7 lira.

We got ready to go out, and spoke to the travel rep about restaurants - she recommended Ney in the old town. We walked down there and luckily found it very quickly. We had mixed mezes then Turkish ravioli and aubergine kebab. It was very good and reasonably priced, though the wine we chose without looking at the winelist was very expensive.

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