Saturday 20 July 2013


Going up north for a weekend camping, since the weather is so good. Wall-to-wall sunshine forecast. We left Currie just after 10 and first drove to Spittal of Glenshee.

We parked the car next to the bridge over Shee Water and started walking up the glen. After a bit we turn north into Glen Taitneach. The scenery is spectacular and the weather is fantastic.

Amber is pretty hot and takes a few opportunities for a dip in the stream.

After we get to the head of the glen we head uphill to come back along the ridge overlooking the valley, taking in Creag Dhearg.

As we climb we could see some shapes on the skyline, which  as we get closer turn out to be a large head of red deer.

They moved away over the ridge as we approached, but from the top we could still see them over on the next hill.

We carry on walking along the ridge then down towards the valley bottom. Amber is getting pretty hot and tired by now, and loves a rest and a swim when she can get it. We do just over 10 miles in total.

After getting back to the car we stop for a cool pint at the Spittal of Glenshee Hotel, then drive on to the Invercauld campsite at Braemar.

We cook our own dinner on our new portable barbecue, which worked very well, and had some beer and wine too. Weather is very warm for sitting out, and as an added bonus there are no midges!

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