Thursday 23 March 2023

Tayport - Day 3

We packed up and left the site, and drove to St Andrews. We parked the campervan as far as we could drive up behind the West Beach.

We walked on the beach, which was huge as the tide was out.

We walked all the way to the north end of the beach, then along the estuary of the River Eden. We then turned round and walked right back to St Andrews.

We sat on the beach and had our lunch, then walked into town past the start and finish of the Old Course.

We went to Fisher and Donaldson's bakery and bought fudge donuts. We took them to the grounds of the university, St Salvator's Quad.

We then made our way back to the campervan and drove home.

Wednesday 22 March 2023

Tayport - Day 2

We walked straight from the campsite this morning, heading for Tentsmuir Forest. First we went past Morton Lochs, which are man-made lochs with hides for bird viewing.

We then carried on through the forest, which is great for walking and has tens of miles of paths. We came out the other side at the coast, but were still pretty far from the sea. The dunes are very wide and had lots of pools of water in them that we couldn't get past.

We stopped for lunch there, then started walking up the coastal side of the forest.

We passed an old Ice House, where we stopped for another sandwich.

Near the north end of the forest there was a lot of tree felling going on, so the path was diverted inland for quite a distance. Eventually we got back to the coast on the north side.

The tide was in and was particularly high, covering the normal path.

We got back to the camp site and had nice showers in the warm toilet block.

Later for dinner we had beef chilli and rice.

Tuesday 21 March 2023

Tayport - Day 1

We left the house after lunch and drove to Tayport, arriving at the Larick campsite about 2.30pm. After setting up we went for a walk into town.

We found information signs referring to the town's Heritage Trail, so we decided to follow most of it. The first place we came to was the marina or harbour.

Further along the coast was an older, historic harbour.

The route went through the town and was quite interesting. After completing most of it we went for a drink at the Cobbies Inn.

Later we had root vegetable curry and naan bread for dinner.